Bible in a Year (The Story) Podcast
Bible in a Year (The Story) podcast features Professor Rachel Bodell, a marketing storyteller who teaches marketing, innovation, and leadership at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (BIOLA University). She will not only read the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation in one year, but she will share all the resources that have helped her to understand the Bible as one unfolding connected story along the way through short commentaries and reflections from biblical scholars, most of which read original biblical languages like Hebrew and Greek (e.g., Dr. Tim Mackie, N.T. Wright, Dr. Carmen Imes, Dr. Jeannine Hanger, Dr. James Petitfils, Kristi Mclelland, Dr. John Walton, Dr. Michael Heiser, and Dr. Lucy, Peppiatt) By 2024, we hope to additionally offer special episodes from the renowned Bible scholars themselves that will help you understand the context of hard-to-understand stories within the meta-narrative of the Bible. We want to help you not only listen but hear what God is saying through the Bible every year and grow in your understanding, practice, and re-telling of the story to others as you learn more about how all the pieces of the Bible fit together to tell the GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD with a God that is inviting us to participate in the story as it is unfolding today! Each episode is about 15 minutes and includes two to three scripture readings and a short commentary and reflection with suggested biblical scholar sources (e.g. The Bible Project and Premiere Insights) for this is our prayer ”that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God” (Phil 1:9-11). Some passages of the Bible and commentary reflections contain adult themes that may not be suitable for younger children - parental discretion is advised. Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
1 Kings 3, 2 Chronicles 2-3, Psalms 42-43. Like the tree of life and the tree of knowledge, wisdom can be from God or ourselves. Earthly intellectual wisdom is not the same and will not always be aligned with God’s wisdom.
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
1 Kings 1-2, 2 Chronicles 1, and Psalms 40-41. Today we read about a rocky transition of leadership from David to Solomon. We take note of Bathsheba who God chose as the Queen Mother of Israel. We learn about David’s last acts and words, learning more leadership lessons. We take note of Solomon’s request for wisdom and his use of that wisdom to disobey what God disallowed of kings in Deuteronomy 17. Remember, collecting horses, wealth, wives, chariots, and counting fighting men are all kingdom empire actions and not kingdom shalom actions of a king hallowing God’s name above his own.
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
1 Chronicles 23-29, and Psalm 39. Today we read the end of 1st Chronicles. There are echoes of the past and details about what's to come in preparation for the temple.
Dr. Mackie 1&2 Chronicles, Old Testament Overviews (6 minutes and 29 seconds)
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Today we read 2 Samuel 21-24, Psalms 30 and 38. It's the end of 2nd Samuel and we review the story of David becoming king after Saul. We are reminded of David's vulnerability and dependency as well as the direction David pointed to himself, and that was forward to the future hope, promised in the covenant of a messiah king.
Dr. Mackie Books of Samuel
Dr. Mackie 1&2 Chronicles, Old Testament Overviews (6 minutes and 29 seconds)
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
This is the weekend review and reflection challenge. We'll be back on Monday! If you need to catch up, the weekend gives you the chance to do that. Remember, you can start whenever, pause whenever, but never stop listening (or reading) the Bible!
Reflection challenge question: What is one or two things you learned this week from listening to the Bible that you can put into practice in your life today?
Don’t forget, you can subscribe to our show wherever you are podcasting to get notifications to remind you on Monday that the show has been posted! Subscribing, rating, reviewing and sharing our show also helps to organically grow our channel and make it easier for people to find us! Thanks for listening and we look forward to being back with you next week.
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Today we read 2 Samuel 19-20, 1 Chronicles 21-22, Psalm 3 and 36. This is a story about triumph and tears and consideration for the heart posture of clemency vs. redemption.
Who Was Joab? Got Questions Organization.
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Today we read 1 Chronicles 15-20, Psalm 14 and 15. Leadership and purpose are explained in this story, particularly 1 Chronicles 17.
Matt Whitman (Jan 19, 2023) Bible 13 - 1 Chronicles, The Ten Minute Bible Hour
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Today we read 2 Samuel 15-18, Psalm 31 and 35.
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Today we read 2 Samuel 13-14, 1 Chronicles 13-14, Psalm 28 and 60. Today we read almost a parallel story to yesterday’s story, when we read about David’s actions against God, his family, his neighbor’s family. Except today we read about David’s children between wives. David’s 2nd wife, Ahinoam of Jezreel who is the mother of Amnon, first son and heir apparent to the throne. And, Maacah, daughter of Tallis, King of Geshur whose children in this story include Absalom and Tamar. The name Maacah in the Jewish language and Midrash essentially means wartime wife for an Israelite capture. In this story, there’s this odd set up by Amnon and David is a part of that which led to, or at least allowed Amnon to see, want, and take his half sister, Tamar. She tried to stop him with reason and relationship but he not only overpowered her, he tried to put his sense of shame on her, rejecting her after the fact. She went to her brother, David’s third son Absalom who took her in and sought vengeance, having his half-brother Amnon killed. Cycles of violence and David’s eventual response is to end the banishment and restore the relationship with his son, Absalom. Although the text makes it clear David was angry it also describes his silence and inaction. David doesn’t go to God for how to act or react, and like the last story, there doesn’t seem to be a sense that David is faithfully remembering and responding to all the laws and heart of God. There’s a lot to reflect on in this story.
Dr. Carmen Imes (2022). Blame David, Not Bathsheba. Nathanial Did. Christianity Today.
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Summary. In this story we might find ourselves both uncomfortable with the egregiousness of David’s moral defection and at the same time the depths of God’s grace. Every human king, even David, is not capable of fulfilling a role only ever meant for the Lord, Jesus Christ. Even David, did what Eve and Adam did in Genesis. They saw. They wanted. They took. The details of this story are important and often misunderstood. It’s worth a close look, a self-reflection, and a careful consideration for how we talk about it with others.
Dr. Carmen Imes (2022). Blame David, Not Bathsheba. Nathanial Did. Christianity Today.
Podcast music by Stockaudios from Pixabay. Speaker, Dr. Rachel Bodell. Podcast Sound Engineer, Alan Darling. Podcast Artwork, Will Gerard.